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Hanuman Ji

I put in hard and dedicated efforts, but the owners favor others

I put in hard and dedicated efforts, but the owners favor others

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It can be sad when you work hard and give your all, but someone else gets noticed or gets the chances you want. I, Dr Vinay Bajrangi, get many questions about this. The positions of stars in a horoscope can explain why someone doesn't get the credit they deserve for their hard work. Most of the time, you'll notice that such individuals don't receive acknowledgement and support, not only in their work life but also in their personal life.


Astrological reasons for not being favoured by employers  

When we search for astrological reasons for non-favour by employers, the Sun and the Moon play a major role. These two, the Sun and the Moon, are responsible for helping people achieve fame, recognition, and the outcomes they desire in life. If these two are weak in the birth chart, they can reduce or even cancel out the positive effects of all the good combinations in the birth chart. 

The Sun: In astrology, a weak or challenged Sun placement, often due to unfavourable aspects or placements, can impact one's sense of self-worth and confidence. This may lead to difficulties in asserting oneself, which could, in turn, affect the level of respect received from others. A weakened Sun might result in a tendency to downplay one's abilities or to feel overshadowed by others. Building self-confidence and expressing oneself are important steps to gaining the respect you deserve, irrespective of astrological influences.

 The Moon: A weak or challenged Moon placement in astrology can influence emotions, skills and inner stability. If the Moon is afflicted, it might lead to mood swings, insecurity, and difficulty managing emotional reactions. This could affect how others perceive you, potentially impacting the level of respect received. Cultivating emotional balance and self-awareness can help mitigate these effects and contribute to more harmonious interactions and greater respect from others.

The 10th house: The 10th house in your birth chart, also known as the house of career and public recognition, could shed light on your approach to work and how others perceive you professionally.

 Mercury and Communication: Mercury rules communication and decision-making. Its placement in your birth chart and any current transits might offer insights into how you communicate your efforts and interact with others. Challenges in communication could contribute to misunderstandings or missed opportunities.

 Mars and Efforts: Mars represents your drive, energy, personal development and determination. Its placement and aspects in your chart could provide insights into how you channel your efforts and approach challenges. Challenging aspects might indicate periods where your efforts feel thwarted, or energy is misdirected.

Saturn and Lessons: Saturn is often associated with challenges and lessons. Its placement in your chart could indicate areas where you're facing obstacles as part of a learning process. This might suggest that the current situation allows you to grow and develop resilience.

Jupiter and Opportunities: Jupiter is associated with expansion and opportunities. Its placement and aspects could indicate periods of growth and luck. Analyzing Jupiter's role in your chart might offer insights into when more favourable opportunities could arise.


Astrological Remedies for gaining favours

Strengthen Benefic Planets: Depending on your birth chart, focus on strengthening planets that govern career and authority, such as the Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter. You can explore gemstones, mantras, and rituals associated with these planets.

Performing Mantras: Recite mantras associated with respect and career growth. For instance, reciting the Gayatri or the Navagraha mantra can help positively align your energies.

Worship or Puja: Conduct regular worship or puja dedicated to the deity linked to career and success, like Lord Ganesha or Goddess Saraswati. This practice can create a positive aura around you.