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How will be my relationship with my child

How will be my relationship with my child

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Namaskar, I'm Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, and I'll tell you how astrology can help you understand your relationship with your children or Parent-child synastry. Astrology can help understand and guide kids. It can help determine why they act in certain ways, like being too aggressive or quiet. But it's not just about finding the reasons; astrology also gives real solutions based on their horoscopes. These horoscopes can reveal what challenges and strengths your child might have. So, as parents, you can learn about your child's personality early on and avoid potential disagreements.


How will be my relations with my children?

The parent-child relationship can be understood through the houses in a Kundali (birth chart). We focus on the 5th house in the parent's horoscope to assess this relationship. The Fifth house (house of children) and its rulers determine how the bond between parents and children will develop. Additionally, we consider the 9th house for the father and the 4th house for the mother in the Kundali.

Positive planetary positions in the fifth house like the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter bring happiness to parents through their children. However, Saturn and Rahu can lead to unhappiness, while an afflicted Mercury can cause worries and communication problems. Mars may introduce risks, and Rahu can result in issues like smoking, misunderstandings, and scandals.

The placement of the 5th house lord in various houses is a significant factor. Also, the aspects between parent and child's planets also matter a lot. A harmonious relationship between the 1st and 5th house lords indicates a strong bond between parents and children. Such parents may also find joy in their children's foreign travels if the 5th house lord has a good connection with the 7th or 9th house lords.

Conversely, if negative influences are present in these houses in the Kundli, it can strain the relationship. There should be the Moon sign compatibility or harmony in the Moon signs of the parents and the children. For instance, the child may not support the parents in their old age, or financial difficulties may arise if there are adverse effects in the 2nd house. If the 4th house in the child's horoscope is afflicted, it suggests emotional issues, particularly with the mother.

Astrological aspects influencing the parent-child relationship, Transits and progressions affecting family dynamics, Parent's astrological strengths and challenges, Child's astrological traits and tendencies, Karmic connections, Parenting advice based on astrology, Compatibility and harmony in the family, Astrological remedies for enhancing the parent-child bond.

Similarly, Parent's Sun sign and child's Sun sign suggest their ideals and principles in life. If there is enmity in the Sun signs, differences will follow. Sometimes, parents prioritize their careers over their children, leading to neglect. This can happen when there's an unfavourable combination between the 5th and 10th houses, as the parents' career aspirations may overshadow their support for their child. This combination often involves the 9th and 10th houses in the Kundali.


The Moon and your emotional bonding with the kids

In astrology related to children, the Moon plays a more significant role than the Sun. The Moon's position strongly influences a child's behaviour and emotional reactions. The Sun's energies, on the other hand, empower a child to creatively shape their life, with this ability developing more prominently from around the age of seven and especially during puberty.

Parent's astrological strengths and challenges, Child's astrological traits and tendencies, Karmic connections, Parenting advice based on astrology, Compatibility and harmony in the family, Astrological remedies for enhancing the parent-child bond.

The waxing and waning phases of the Moon symbolize a child's openness to change and their inherent unpredictability. Transits and progressions affect family dynamics and this constant state of change is evident in their physical growth.

Two crucial aspects of lunar activities for children are receiving and giving. Children depend on receiving cues and impressions to grow and find their way in life. The Moon's crescent phase signifies a child's capacity to be open and accepting as they navigate the world.

In summary, while celestial bodies have their influence on Child's astrological traits and tendencies, parents are like the Sun and stars in a child's universe. A parent's actions and upbringing significantly impact a child more than any planet's alignment. Therefore, parents need to be caring and considerate toward their children; in doing so, they can take astrological connection to understand the Karmic connections to ensure a favourable future for their kids.


Online report for child behaviour

Our online report on child behaviour uses Kundali astrology to explore the parent-child relationship and give Parenting advice based on astrology. It focuses on the 5th house in the parent's horoscope, assessing how it influences this bond. We examine the impact of celestial bodies like the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter, which can bring happiness, while Saturn, Rahu, and Mercury may present challenges.

We also consider the 9th house for fathers and the 4th house for mothers to provide a comprehensive view of family dynamics. Our report helps identify potential concerns and offers guidance for nurturing a healthy relationship. Whether addressing support in old age, financial matters, or emotional issues, we aim to empower parents with insights and strategies to foster a loving and supportive connection with their children. Astrological remedies for enhancing the parent-child bond as offered by the report will be extremely helpful for strengthening your bond with children.