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When should I begin planning to move abroad

When should I begin planning to move abroad

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Namaskar! If you're considering moving to another country, it's important to know the right time to start planning to move abroad as per the birth chart. I'm Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, and I'll help you understand when to begin your move for the best chance of success, according to your birth chart. As per astrological timing, starting at the right time is super important because if you start at the wrong time, things might not go as smoothly. Let's make sure your plan to move abroad is a success!



Will your dream of moving abroad become a reality?


Many people dream about going to another country for fun or to live there permanently. But according to astrological beliefs, you can't just go abroad whenever you want. It's like you need to have a special yoga called 'foreign yoga' in your birth chart. Yoga suggests that an individual can travel or live in a foreign place. Without this yoga, your plans might not work out, even if travel is cheap or everyone seems to be doing it.


Astrology is a wonder of knowledge, and it helps you understand what could happen in your life. It's like looking at a map of your life. The promises and possibilities you bring into this life are written in your "kundli" (a chart based on the position of the planets at the time of your birth). If there's no promise of going to or living in another country in your kundli, it might not happen for you.


The idea is that analyzing your best time to move abroad, as per kundli, is important. It helps you figure out what might happen in your life, what you can hope for, and where you shouldn't put in too much effort or get your hopes up for something that might not happen. Astrology is like a tool that helps you see a clearer and truer picture of your life.



Know your best time to move abroad.


Once you've checked your birth chart and you have the potential to travel or settle abroad, the next step is to figure out the best time to make your plans. In astrology, there's a belief that doing things at the right time can lead to success. So, to make sure your move abroad goes smoothly without any problems, it's important to know the right time according to your birth chart.


Two key things in astrology come into play here: "dasha" and the movement of planets in the sky, known as "transit." Certain periods, indicated by these factors, activate specific houses in your birth chart, like the 9th and 12th houses. If planets like Jupiter and Rahu influence these houses during these times, it's believed it's a good time for foreign travel. Additionally, a combination of Saturn and Jupiter affecting your twelfth house can bring long-lasting positive changes in your life, including the possibility of going abroad.


However, it's not just about the positive influences; it's crucial to check if any planets in your chart during these times are weakened or in a challenging position. If they are, it might initiate travel plans, but success might be difficult, or you could face many challenges even after moving abroad. So, to find the correct timing, it is important to assess the strength and planetary alignments during those times.



Importance of positive Dasha, Transit and Muhurata 


Positive Dasha (planetary period), Transit of planets, and Muhurata (auspicious timing) are crucial factors in determining the right time for significant life events, such as moving abroad. Here's why they are important:


Dasha (Planetary Period): In Vedic astrology, the Dasha system divides a person's life into major periods, each ruled by a specific planet. Positive Dasha periods, where beneficial planets are active, are believed to bring favourable circumstances. If the Dasha, during a certain period, is supportive of travel or settlement abroad, it leads to success in moving abroad


Transit of Planets: Planetary transits involve the movement of planets through different zodiac signs. The positions of planets during specific transits can influence various aspects of life. For instance, if the Transit of Jupiter or Rahu positively impacts the houses associated with foreign travel in your birth chart, it's a favourable time to consider moving abroad. The double Transit of significant planets like Saturn and Jupiter is often considered potent for long-term positive changes in life, including the potential for relocation.


Muhurata (Auspicious Timing): Muhurata selects a specific, favourable time to commence an important activity. Choosing an auspicious Muhurata for moving abroad is believed to enhance the chances of success and reduce potential obstacles. It involves aligning the cosmic energies favourably with your intentions. An astrologer can help determine an auspicious Muhurata based on the alignment of planets and other astrological considerations.

The combination of positive planetary influences regarding Dasha, favourable transits, and an auspicious Muhurata creates a harmonious astrological environment for significant life events like moving abroad.