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Will I be able to continue my hobbies and interests after marriage

Will I be able to continue my hobbies and interests after marriage

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Namaskar, I'm Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, and I'm here to help you determine whether you will keep enjoying your hobbies and interests after marriage. You see, the things you like to do, your hobbies and interests, are influenced by the planets in your birth chart. Each person has unique hobbies, like being creative, enjoying books, or other things, and these hobbies are connected to the planets in your chart. So, the question is, "Will I pursue my hobbies and interests after marriage?" Let's explore how your birth chart can provide insights into this.


Let's talk about how your marriage might impact your hobbies and interests. It depends on the situation or environment you'll have after you get married, and we can see hints of that in your birth chart. Through astrology, we can explore how your marriage affects what you love to do and help you plan for a happy balance between your interests and your life as a married person.


Your interests and hobbies in the birth chart


It's pretty fascinating – just by looking at someone's birth chart, you can learn a lot about their interests and hobbies, even without talking to them! If you have a person's birth chart, you can discover all sorts of things about them, including their hobbies and what they enjoy doing in their free time.

The "third house" is like a window into your hobbies and interests in this birth chart. When this third house is strong, it means you're good at many things and have skills in various areas. By studying the planets, zodiac signs and hobbies in the birth chart, we can figure out what kind of interests you might have.


For example, if the moon is in the third house, it could mean you're into creative stuff like art, singing, or travelling. Different planets have different meanings when it comes to hobbies. Now, here's the cool part: if your third house is strong, it suggests that you'll stick with your hobbies no matter what. Even if your surroundings aren't so supportive, your passion for your interests will stay strong.


Interference of the in-laws and spouse


Your birth chart gives hints about the possibility of interference of in-laws in my interests whether you'll have a supportive husband and in-laws. I look at different parts of your birth chart to understand what your in-laws might be like.

Imagine your birth chart is like a map with different houses. If the fourth and tenth houses in the birth chart have problems or challenges, you might have difficulties with your in-laws. They might not be very supportive, and they could interfere with the things you love to do, like your hobbies and interests.

Now, let's talk about your husband. If the seventh house in your birth chart has some issues, your husband might not fully understand your priorities. He might get in the way of you pursuing your hobbies and interests, which can be tough for you.


So, the natal charts and personal interests are inter-related. Astrology can tell you whether you'll have supportive in-laws and a husband who respects your interests or if you might face some challenges.


Online report for different issues related to your marital life


I offer a detailed report about various aspects of your married life. In this report, you can find out how your in-laws will likely behave and whether they will be helpful or difficult for you. You can also learn if your hobbies will stay the same after marriage or if they become a source of income or even a profession.

If there are any obstacles to enjoying your hobbies, I recommend effective solutions to overcome them. My report provides insights into your married life hobbies and offers solutions to any challenges you might face in pursuing your interests.