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Will I get happiness from my child

Will I get happiness from my child

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As parents, we all want to be happy because of our kids. But having children and finding joy from them are not always the same. Some kids may not show the care, respect, and love we hope for. In certain situations, children may face physical or mental challenges, making it harder for them to bring happiness to their parents.

Namaskar, I am Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. I will help you understand what your experience of parenthood will be like, whether you will find happiness in it, and if your children will give you the care, respect, and joy you wish for.


Understand the parent-child relationship with aapkikismat


As parents, we often dream of having a healthy and hearty child. Surprisingly, the child prediction in your birth chart can tell whether your child will be healthy or not. The fifth house in your birth chart plays a crucial role, and specific astrological indications in this house can reveal potential health issues for your children.


When the fifth house is affected or "afflicted," it may create a vulnerable situation. Astrologers also examine the condition of the moon and the fifth lord to understand various aspects related to your children. For example, if the fifth house is associated with the 6th and 8th houses, your child might face health challenges.


Through a Kundli analysis, we can determine:


  1. Whether your child will be healthy.
  2. If they will be obedient.
  3. Their level of intelligence.
  4. Whether they will respect and care for you.
  5. If they will listen to you.
  6. The likelihood of them leading a happy and successful life.


By understanding these aspects in your birth chart, we can gain insights into your children's potential traits and well-being.


Jupiter- the key determining element of parental happiness


In Vedic astrology, Jupiter plays an important role in child birth and parent child relationship  astrology. If Jupiter is not well-placed or weak in the birth chart, it may raise concerns about having children and the happiness they bring. Jupiter is known as the "putrakaraka," emphasizing its role as the benefactor of children in astrology. Afflictions to Jupiter can indicate challenges in having children and finding happiness through them. Strengthening Jupiter through remedies is important for experiencing joy in parenthood. Jupiter is responsible for creating "santan yoga" in the birth chart, making it a vital planet in matters related to childbirth and parenting.


The Moon- Is your mind happy?

Whether in the family or elsewhere, happiness is highly personal and subjective. It stems from the state of your mind. In parenting, the key to happiness lies in the condition of the Moon in your horoscope. A weak Moon can lead to dissatisfaction, making it difficult to discern what is best for your children. Poor parenting may result as the parent is absorbed in their own thoughts, neglecting the needs of the child. The Moon also symbolizes motherly love, and an afflicted Moon can create a gap between parents and children, hindering the nurturing relationship.


Indications of challenges with children


If you're not finding happiness from your kids, it might be influenced by certain astrological factors. Here are some simple explanations:


  1. Panchmesh Placement: If the lord of the fifth house (Panchmesh) is in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house, debilitated, in an enemy sign, or afflicted, it may bring challenges in having children.
  2. Saturn Influence: If Saturn is in certain signs in the fifth house, and Jupiter is also present or aspected, adoption might be possible.
  3. Mars and First Child Trouble: If the ascendant lord is linked with Mars, and the fifth house lord is in the sixth house, issues with the first child may arise. The child is disobedient, aggressive and stubborn.
  4. Jupiter's Influence: If Jupiter rules the fifth house, and malefic planets are in both the fifth and ascendant houses, difficulties in having children may occur. Similar challenges can arise with Gulika in the ascendant and debilitated Jupiter.
  5. Rahu: If Rahu is in the fifth house, and Jupiter is debilitated, constant stress regarding children might be present.
  6. Auspicious Planetary Effects: Positive influences on the fifth house from benefic planets can alleviate the above effects. Couples facing difficulties in having children should consult an astrologer and seek both astrological remedies and medical treatment.
  7. Afflicted Fifth House: An afflicted fifth house due to doshas or curses can hinder having happiness from children.
  8. Mars or Rahu Aspect: The combined effect of Mars and Rahu on the fifth house causes troubles in child happiness.
  9. Ketu in the Fifth House: Ketu in the Fifth House is a problematic sight. 
  10. Role of Venus and Jupiter: A well-positioned Venus aids in conception, while Jupiter in the Ascendant or Bhagya Bhava ensures the health and well-being of the child.




In parenting, everyone wants happiness from their kids, but it's not always easy. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi is an astrologer who specializes in addressing issues related to child happiness through astrological insights. His expertise includes analyzing birth charts and providing guidance on strengthening favourable planetary influences for a happier and healthier relationship with children. Astrology suggests that the positions of certain planets, like Jupiter and the Moon, can affect this happiness. Jupiter is vital for successful parenting, and a weak Moon can lead to dissatisfaction. Challenges may arise if specific planets are not well-placed in the birth chart. Understanding these influences and seeking astrological and medical remedies can help create a happy and fulfilling relationship with your children.

It's essential to consult with professionals like Dr. Vinay Bajrangi for personalized advice and remedies tailored to individual circumstances.