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What might happen in my court case

What might happen in my court case

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Namaskar, facing court cases can be stressful. You never know what will happen, and the legal issues can be confusing and tough. But guess what? I, Dr Bajrangi, can help you with it. You can use astrology to get a sneak peek into your court case outcomes per kundli. It can help you understand how strong your opponent is, how the judge might lean, and if any secret enemies are trying to stop you. It's like having a special tool to see what's coming in your legal battle. So, don't be surprised – astrology can be a helpful friend when you're dealing with court cases.


How powerful is your opponent?

Knowing how strong your opponent is in a court case can be really helpful. Vedic astrology, which looks at the positions of planets, can give you an idea about this. Astrologers use your birth chart and special charts to figure it out. They check planets like Jupiter and Saturn because they are important for legal stuff. When you know how strong your opponent is, it can boost or lower your confidence. With this info, you can better plan your legal strategy, depending on how tough your opponent seems. It's like having a secret weapon to find the court case outcome as per the birth chart.


What will your judge say in your case?

In court cases, the judges have a big say in what happens to you. They can make decisions that matter. But here's the thing: You can learn how the planets might influence those judges by talking to an astrologer. The astrologer looks at your birth chart, and another chart called the transit chart. They see how the planets in these charts relate to the planets representing the judges, like Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu. These special planets have a strong effect on how judges make decisions. Knowing this can help you guess if the judges might be strict or more lenient. And that can be super useful for planning your legal strategy and finding the outcome of a court case as astrology. It's like getting a sneak peek into what the judges might do in your case.


Whether your lawyer is better than your opponent's lawyer

Having a good lawyer can make a big difference in a court case. But how do I find out a court case outcome through astrology? How can you know if your lawyer is better than your opponent's lawyer? Well, you can find out by talking to me. They can look at your birth chart and another chart to determine how strong and capable both lawyers are. This helps you understand what you can expect. The astrologer can even hint at your lawyer's name by looking at certain planetary combinations in your birth chart. So, with the astrologer's help, you can see how well your lawyer stacks up against the other side. It's like having a secret tool to check your legal team's strength.


Look for your hidden enemies

Could someone be secretly working against you in your court case? It's possible. People might have a personal grudge or something to gain from your loss. Identifying these hidden enemies and taking precautions is crucial.


When will my court case end?

Now, when will your court case finally end? After getting insights about your case from your birth chart, I can predict your chances of winning, settling, or losing the case. I can also estimate when the final judgment might come. Saturn's position is important here. Sometimes, even if you have strong facts and a good lawyer, astrology might suggest waiting for better times or going for a compromise. Many people have been advised to settle or wait for the right moment in their legal cases.