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Will I get married according to my own choice

Will I get married according to my own choice

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Marriage by choice is a big decision that shapes our lives. Today, people celebrate having the freedom to choose. Wanting to marry by your choice is not wrong, but as they say- Hanging and Marrying depends upon fate! Namaskar, I, Dr Vinay Bajrangi, will explain the pros and cons of an often-asked question- Will I get married according to my choice?

Wondering if we can marry who we want is a personal and important question—love and compatibility matter in marriage. In the past, families often arranged marriages based on traditions. But now, people want to choose their partners. Personal values, love, and being able to support oneself influence this choice. We can balance our wishes with family values. It's about talking and understanding each other. So, choosing who we marry involves our feelings and our family's views.


Astrology can indicate whether you will marry as per your choice

Astrology can tell us important events and when they might happen. For marriage, we focus on the seventh house. This house can show if someone will be happy in their marriage or if there might be problems. Another house, the eleventh house, is also important for choosing a life partner. The eleventh house shows fulfilment of desires or getting what you want. If this house is strong, you might see many of your dreams come true. So, it's not only about marrying who you want. If you want to know about things like school, a job, moving to another country, having kids, or business, you should meet an astrologer for kundli analysis, especially the eleventh house.


Are your parents strict and dominating?

If your parents are strict or controlling, you might wonder- Can I select my spouse myself? There are chances that you face difficulties marrying the person you want. Your birth chart can tell about your parents' nature. It can also show if they'll support your choice or make you marry someone they like. Your chart can reveal your family environment, how much your parents value your opinion, and if they want your happiness. If your chart suggests that your parents are dominating, it can also suggest ways to handle this. Coming to me for a chart analysis can help you understand your personal will and marriage. I will help you find ways to deal with obstacles in your marriage.


Will you get the partner of your choice?

Astrologically, the possibility of getting the partner of your choice is determined by a combination of factors in your birth chart. The 7th house in the birth chart is crucial, as it represents relationships and partnerships. The placement of planets like Venus, which symbolizes love and attraction, plays a significant role. Positive aspects between Venus and other planets can indicate a harmonious love life. Additionally, the 5th house, associated with love affairs and romance, influences your preferences in a partner. Planetary aspects and positions in these houses, along with the influence of signs and their ruling planets, give astrologers insights into your likelihood of finding a partner aligned with your desires. However, individual free will and external circumstances also influence the outcome.


Will I have a happy married life if I marry as per my choice?

Self-arranged marriage is successful or not depends on various factors, including the compatibility and understanding between partners. When you marry according to your choice, there's a potential for happiness if you and your partner share values and interests and communicate well. Kundli matching is one way to know the compatibility between the partners. Whether you marry by your choice or by your parent's choice, it is crucial to know the compatibility between the partners. Astrology helps us know how suitable a couple is for each other. However, remember that a successful marriage also requires effort, compromise, and mutual respect from both partners, regardless of whether the choice was yours.