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Astrology for business failure - Business Growth as per Birth Date

Astrology for business failure - Business Growth as per Birth Date

Success or failure in business can be seen through one’s kundli/birth chart. Some people succeed in the same business, while others have to settle for less despite putting in equal effort. However, there always remains a difference in the two individuals’ natural traits and business skills. But it is the planetary placements that make all the difference! After all, you are what your planets bestow on you!

There can be many reasons for business success, but today, we will talk about a more severe counterpart, i.e., losses in business. Can astrology tell in advance whether a person will face failure in business? Can astrology suggest the right ways to avoid such losses? Can astrology help a business grow?

The answer to these and similar questions is YES! Let’s explore.    

Astrological Reasons for Business Loss or Failure

First, it is essential to understand why a business faces losses. From a broader perspective, a business may fail due to lack of customers, poor financial management, overspending, inadequate cash flow, ineffective marketing strategy, strong competition, inadequate leadership, economic downturn, failure to adapt to changing trends, etc. These are just a few of the reasons why a business may fail. 

Coming to the astrological part, every reason mentioned above has its root in the individual’s birth chart. For instance, a person lacks good communication skills because he has weak Mercury in his kundli. Similarly, Saturn can give him rigidness, making him ignore changing or emerging trends. In this way, every planet has a certain significance, and the affliction of the same planet causes a lack of these significations. To understand in simpler terms, if you are destined to have failed in business, you will undoubtedly have certain personality traits dragging you toward business failure or losses.

So, what should we do?

Astrology can help in business growth

An individual’s birth chart or horoscope can provide insights into their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and potential life events. In an astrological birth chart, certain planetary placements and aspects may indicate potential challenges or strengths in communication, decision-making, risk-taking, and financial management.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses is essential to success in all aspects of life, including business. When you know your strengths, you can focus on developing them further and use them to your advantage. Understanding your weaknesses helps you identify areas where you need improvement and work on them to avoid potential obstacles and failures.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses facilitates:

  1. Better decision-making: When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can make better decisions about your career, relationships, and other essential areas of your life.

  2. Improved self-awareness: Understanding your strengths and weaknesses helps you become more self-aware, essential for personal growth and development.

  3. Increased productivity: When you focus on your strengths, you can become more productive and efficient in your work. Similarly, when you work on improving your weaknesses, you can avoid wasting time and resources on tasks that are not your strengths.

  4. Better relationships: When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can communicate effectively with others and build better relationships.

  5. More confidence: Knowing your strengths can make you feel more confident and self-assured in your abilities, leading to greater success and achievement.

Astrology helps to know your strengths and weaknesses, which is crucial for personal and professional growth. 

How Astrology can solve business issues

Business losses have become an inevitable aspect of modern business. However, constant failure or recurring losses can cause significant concern and stress for the business owner. As competition increases, technological advancements progress and market trends fluctuate, the business environment becomes increasingly complex. Business astrology can provide a valuable source of insight for those seeking to understand the astrological reasons behind their business failures. Despite doing their best, some business owners may find success a distant dream.

Astrology can provide valuable insights for those experiencing business-related stress and queries. By seeking the help of an astrologer, one can gain a deeper understanding of the reasons behind their business losses and failures.

Astrology is the study of planetary effects on our lives. The planetary placement in an individual’s birth chart can provide valuable information and details about their life. Some individuals may succeed with minimal effort, while others struggle despite their best efforts. This disparity is not necessarily due to a lack of effort or determination but rather due to astrological yogas in their kundli.

Astrology for business issues suggests that certain negative yogas in a person’s birth chart can harm their business success. Those who succeed quickly may be born with auspicious yogas in their horoscope, while those who struggle may have unfavorable yogas. It is also essential to consider a person’s leadership, analytical, and managerial skills. Still, the astrological yogas and dasha of planets also play a significant role in determining business success or failure. Business failure and losses may not solely result from a lack of competency, as a person’s birth chart may also narrate the story.

Indications of business failure in a Horoscope

In astrology, certain planetary combinations or “yogas” may indicate potential challenges or obstacles in various areas of life, including business. Some of the planetary combinations that are considered to be challenging for business or financial success in astrology are:

The Sun- the position of the planet Sun is essential for business success. It signifies name, fame, power, and recognition. An afflicted or weak Sun can cause problems in career and business, leading to failures and losses.

Duryoga is a bad yoga that forms when the 10th house’s lord is placed in the trik houses, i.e., the 6th, 8th, or 12th house of the horoscope. However, the placement of the planet in its own, exaltation, or friendly sign determines the results. A favorable placement can bring great wealth to the person.

Malefic planets such as Saturn or Mars are present in the birth chart’s 2nd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house.

Weak or afflicted 2nd, 6th, 7th, or 10th house lords, which are associated with wealth, income, partnerships, and career respectively.

Daridra yoga is another bad yoga that can cause obstacles in life, leading to no success in hand. If the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses are placed in the trik houses (6th, 8th, and 12th), the person gets Daridra yoga. But if these planets are strongly placed in these houses, the person can still amass great wealth through foreign sources or relations.

The presence of “dhan yoga” or “wealth yoga” in the birth chart indicates the potential for financial success but may also lead to greed or overindulgence.

Rajbhanga yoga is formed when the 2nd lord is placed in the 12th house, causing the person to lose money and respect. Such individuals face challenging circumstances and struggle hard to gain business success.

Before starting any business, it is advisable to consult an astrologer to identify and rectify these inauspicious yogas. It is crucial to consider these factors before deciding on the right business selection in life.

Can astrology guide to save loss in business?

Business or Job: Before starting a business, it is necessary to determine whether you have the necessary planetary alignment in your horoscope for a successful business. Sometimes, a job may be more suitable than a business, and astrology can help identify the same.

Choosing the Right Business: Identifying the type of business that suits your horoscope is crucial. The tenth house of the horoscope is significant for career and business. An astrologer analyzes the planetary influence on this house to suggest a business that will benefit the native. Failure is unlikely if a person follows the planetary indications and starts a business accordingly.

Domestic or Foreign Business: Astrology also helps determine whether a person should conduct business in their home country or a foreign land. Certain planetary combinations suggest success in a foreign land, while others indicate that a family business may be more profitable. Knowing this information can help make informed decisions and invest money in the right direction.

Choosing a Lucky Business Name: The business’s name also plays a significant role in its success. As suggested by the kundli, a lucky business name can help achieve success quickly. The position of the Moon and the 10th lord in the birth chart helps to identify the most suitable business name. The repetition of the name, as per the placement of the 10th lord, attracts the positive energy required for the business’s success.

Business Partnership Compatibility: A compatible business partner is essential for a successful business. An astrologer analyzes the 7th house and its lord to determine the most suitable partner for the business. The placement of the 7th lord helps in identifying the most compatible business partner. It is essential to have a compatible partner to avoid business failure and make mutual decisions for the business’s success.

Business expansion as per birth chart

Expanding a business requires a strong foundation, dedication, hard work, and favorable astrological conditions. According to your birth chart, astrology can guide you toward the right direction of business expansion. Here are some astrological factors that may contribute to business expansion:

  1. Strong 10th House: The 10th house is the house of career and business, and a strong and well-placed 10th house indicates success and growth in business. The planets in the tenth house and the aspect in the 10th house also play a significant role in determining the potential for business expansion.

  2. Favorable Planetary Positions: The positions and placements of planets such as Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus in the birth chart can indicate the areas in which a person may experience business growth. For example, if Jupiter is strong and well-placed in the chart, the person may have success in businesses related to education, finance, or law.

  3. Auspicious Yogas: Yogas like Dhana yoga, Laxmi Yoga, and Raj yoga in the birth chart can signify wealth, prosperity, and business success. These yogas are formed when certain planets are placed in specific houses or have particular relationships with other planets in the chart. An astrologer can identify these yogas and determine the potential for business expansion.

  4. Mahadasha Period: The Mahadasha period is significant in a person’s life when the planet ruling that period can influence the person’s life events, including business expansion. During the Mahadasha of planets like Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus, a person may experience growth and expansion in their business.

  5. Timing: Timing is everything in business expansion. Astrology can provide insights into the most auspicious time for business expansion, such as during favorable planetary transits or when the ruling planet is strong and well-placed in the chart.

It’s essential to remember that the above-mentioned astrological factors are just one piece of the puzzle regarding company growth according to the birth chart. Business success also requires hard work, determination, and intelligent decision-making.

Planets that give business growth

The planet that is considered to give growth and success in business according to astrology is Jupiter. Jupiter is the karaka of wealth, prosperity, and expansion. A strong Jupiter in the horoscope is believed to bring fortune and success in business. It is associated with good luck, growth, and abundance. In the horoscope, Jupiter’s influence on the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 11th houses is considered auspicious for business and financial growth. However, it is important to note that other planets and their placement in the horoscope also play a significant role in determining the success and growth of a business.

Mercury is an essential planet for business growth as it represents intelligence, communication, and trade. It is the karaka (significator) for commerce, accounting, and financial analysis. A strong and well-placed Mercury in the horoscope can bring success in business, especially in communication, marketing, advertising, and financial management.

Mercury’s placement in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th, and 11th houses in the horoscope is considered beneficial for business growth. When Mercury is well placed and has a favorable influence on the 10th house, it can give the person excellent business skills, an analytical mind, and the ability to communicate effectively with clients, customers, and associates.

Additionally, the favorable placement of Mercury in the 2nd house, which signifies wealth and finances, can provide the person with sound financial management skills, helping them make better financial decisions and maximize their profits.

Mercury plays a significant role in business growth. Its favorable placement and influence on the relevant houses in the horoscope can enhance a person’s business skills, financial management, and communication abilities, leading to success and growth in business.

Which house is seen for company growth? 

The tenth house is the house which is seen for company growth. The tenth house is called the house of career, profession, and business. The primary house is analyzed to determine one’s business growth and success. The tenth house’s planetary influences, lord, and placement in the chart can provide insights into a person’s business potential and success. The eleventh house is also associated with gains and profits, and its planetary influences can give additional information on a company’s financial growth and success.

Astro tips for business growth 

Here are some astrology tips for business growth:

  1. Consult an astrologer: Consulting an experienced and reliable astrologer can help you understand your birth chart and identify your strengths and weaknesses related to business. They can suggest suitable remedies and favorable periods for starting new ventures or expanding existing ones.

  2. Favorable planets: Certain planets like Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus are favorable for business growth. Strengthening these planets through planetary remedies or wearing gemstones can be beneficial.

  3. Auspicious timings: Starting new projects or expanding business during auspicious planetary transits and favorable periods, such as during the Mahurat, can increase the chances of success.

  4. Vastu Shastra: Vastu Shastra principles can be applied to the office or workplace to create a positive and conducive environment for business growth. This can include proper placement of furniture, the direction of the main entrance, and the use of colors and decor.

  5. Mantras and rituals: Reciting mantras and performing rituals like Homa, Puja, or Yajna can help purify and energize the atmosphere and remove any negative influences hindering business growth.

  6. Donation: Donating to a charity or feeding animals regularly is believed to bring good karma and blessings for business growth.

Astrological remedies suggested after careful analysis of the birth chart ensure the growth and success of your business.

Author Details

Aapki kismat

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi does not need an extensive introduction. He is currently known as India's most searched astrologer.

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